Ryan Briggs (B.A. 2013)
From the very first day of Russian 1010 as a wide-eyed and clueless first year Russian student, I knew I was hooked. Russian is a language that is as multi-layered and interesting as the people and culture from which it emanates. The early days were hard work (though as were the later days!), but the wonderful professors and students around me kept me learning and exploring. Russian became a constant in my 8 semesters, even as everything around me changed. The department worked to accommodate my passion for Russian with my demanding Commerce schedule. From the rapids of verb declension and 17 letter words, to daily conversation and watching Soviet-era movies, everyday was different. It's an adventure I wouldn't replace for anything, and I couldn't be more thankful for the Slavic department and the professors who helped me get there. (Special thanks to Professor Lilia Travisano for the hours upon hours of extra teaching time spent with me in her office, I certainly couldn't have done it without you!)
Ryan now works in New York City in the financial services industry (and wants to use his Russian far more than he currently does)